Bladeren bron

add table logic

Karl Hudgell 1 jaar geleden
2 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 69 en 15 verwijderingen
  1. 60 15
  2. 9 0

+ 60 - 15

@@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ def send_message(message:str)->None:
     """'{telegram_bot_api_key}/sendMessage', json={'chat_id': telegram_bot_chat_id, 'text': message})  
-def store_df_as_csv(df:pd.DataFrame)->None:
+def store_df_as_csv(df:pd.DataFrame, name:str)->None:
     """Store dataframe as a CSV file.
         df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe of fixtures.
+        name (str): Name of the CSV file.
-    df.to_csv('./fixtures.csv', index=False)
+    df.to_csv(f'./{name}.csv', index=False)
 def compare_dfs(df:pd.DataFrame)->bool:
     """Compare the latest DF with the stored DF for any changes.
@@ -53,52 +54,96 @@ def does_csv_exist()->bool:
     return os.path.isfile('./fixtures.csv')
-def create_ical_file(df:pd.DataFrame, cal:Calendar)->None:
+def make_ordinal(n:int)->str:
+    '''
+    Convert an integer into its ordinal representation::
+        make_ordinal(0)   => '0th'
+        make_ordinal(3)   => '3rd'
+        make_ordinal(122) => '122nd'
+        make_ordinal(213) => '213th'
+    '''
+    n = int(n)
+    if 11 <= (n % 100) <= 13:
+        suffix = 'th'
+    else:
+        suffix = ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][min(n % 10, 4)]
+    return str(n) + suffix
+def create_ical_file(df:pd.DataFrame, cal:Calendar, table:pd.DataFrame)->None:
     """Create an iCalendar file from a dataframe.
         df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe of fixtures.
         cal (Calendar): iCalendar object with all the ics details.
+        table (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe of table details.
     for index, row in df.iterrows():
         event = Event()
-        print(row['Date / Time'], row['Home Team'], row['Away Team.1'], row['Venue'])
+        match_type = str(row['Type']) 
+        home_team = str(row['Home Team'])
+        if ("Tongham") not in home_team:
+            home_team = str(row['Home Team']).replace(" U12","")
+        away_team = str(row['Away Team.1'])            
+        if ("Tongham") not in away_team:
+            away_team = str(row['Away Team.1']).replace(" U12","")
+        venue = str(row['Venue'])
+        print(row['Date / Time'], home_team, away_team, venue)
         start_date_time = datetime.strptime(row['Date / Time'], '%d/%m/%y %H:%M')
         # Set default 8am start time to normal 930 kickoff time.
         if start_date_time.hour == 8:
             start_date_time = start_date_time + timedelta(hours=1, minutes=30)
         # Arrival time is 30 mins before kickoff time.
         arrival_time = start_date_time + timedelta(minutes=-30)
-        event.add('summary', str(row['Home Team']) + f" {str(row['Unnamed: 4'])} " + str(row['Away Team.1']))
+        if match_type == 'L':
+            summary = "(League) " + home_team + f" ({make_ordinal(table.loc[table['Team'] == home_team, 'POS'].iloc[0])})" + f" {str(row['Unnamed: 4'])} " + away_team + f" ({make_ordinal(table.loc[table['Team'] == away_team, 'POS'].iloc[0])})"
+        else:
+            summary = "(Cup) " + home_team + f" {str(row['Unnamed: 4'])} " + away_team            
+        event.add('summary', summary)
         notes = row['Status / Notes']
-        event.add('description', f'Arrive by - {arrival_time}, {notes}')
+        if pd.isna(notes):
+            notes = 'None'
+        event.add('description', "Arrive by - " + str(arrival_time) + "\n Notes - " + notes + "\n Table - \n" + str(table))
         event.add('dtstart', start_date_time)
         # End 2 hours after start_date_time
         event.add('dtend', start_date_time + timedelta(hours=2))
         event.add('dtstamp', start_date_time)
         event.add('uid', str(uuid.uuid4()))
-        event.add('location', str(row['Venue']))
+        event.add('location', venue)
+def process_table():
+    table_df = pd.read_html("")[0]    
+    table_df = table_df[:-1]
+    table_df.drop(table_df.columns[len(table_df.columns)-1], axis=1, inplace=True)
+    table_df['POS'] = table_df['POS'].astype('Int64')
+    table_df['P'] = table_df['P'].astype('Int64')
+    table_df['W'] = table_df['W'].astype('Int64')
+    table_df['D'] = table_df['D'].astype('Int64')
+    table_df['L'] = table_df['L'].astype('Int64')
+    table_df['PTS'] = table_df['PTS'].astype('Int64')
+    store_df_as_csv(table_df, "table")
+    return table_df
 cal = Calendar()
 cal.add('prodid', 'Down Grange Pumas Fixtures')
 cal.add('version', '2.0')
-url = ""
-df = pd.read_html(url)[0]
+fixtures_df = pd.read_html("")[0]
+table = process_table()
 exists = does_csv_exist()
 if exists:
-    no_change = compare_dfs(df)
+    no_change = compare_dfs(fixtures_df)
     if not no_change:
         print("Fixtures updated, ical updated")
-        store_df_as_csv(df)
-        create_ical_file(df, cal)
+        store_df_as_csv(fixtures_df, "fixtures")
+        create_ical_file(fixtures_df, cal, table)
         send_message("Fixtures updated, ical updated")
         print("Fixtures not updated, no update to ical")
-    store_df_as_csv(df)
-    create_ical_file(df, cal)
+    store_df_as_csv(fixtures_df, "fixtures")
+    create_ical_file(fixtures_df, cal, table)
     send_message("New ical file created")
     print("New ical file created")

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+1,Farnham Town Panthers,5,5,0,0,15
+2,Fernhurst Sports Terriers,3,3,0,0,9
+3,Aldershot B&G Lions,4,3,0,1,9
+4,Down Grange Pumas,2,2,0,0,6
+5,Tongham U12,4,2,0,2,6
+6,Petersfield Town Revolution,5,1,0,4,3
+7,Mytchett Athletic Hawks,7,1,0,6,3
+8,Curley Park Rangers Mambas,4,0,0,4,0