import os import ffmpeg import tempfile from .mytempfile import MyTempFile from .files import filename def get_audio(paths: list, audio_channel_index: int, sample_interval: list): temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() audio_paths = {} for path in paths: print(f"Extracting audio from {filename(path)}...") output_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"{filename(path)}.wav") ffmpeg_input_args = dict() if sample_interval is not None: ffmpeg_input_args['ss'] = str(sample_interval[0]) ffmpeg_output_args = dict() ffmpeg_output_args['acodec'] = "pcm_s16le" ffmpeg_output_args['ac'] = "1" ffmpeg_output_args['ar'] = "16k" ffmpeg_output_args['map'] = "0:a:" + str(audio_channel_index) if sample_interval is not None: ffmpeg_output_args['t'] = str(sample_interval[1] - sample_interval[0]) ffmpeg.input(path, **ffmpeg_input_args).output( output_path, **ffmpeg_output_args ).run(quiet=True, overwrite_output=True) audio_paths[path] = output_path return audio_paths def escape_windows_path(path: str): return path.replace("\\", "/").replace(":", ":").replace(" ", "\\ ").replace("(", "\\(").replace(")", "\\)").replace("[", "\\[").replace("]", "\\]").replace("'", "'\\''") def overlay_subtitles(subtitles: dict, output_dir: str, sample_interval: list): for path, srt_path in subtitles.items(): out_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{filename(path)}.mp4") print(f"Adding subtitles to {filename(path)}...") ffmpeg_input_args = dict() if sample_interval is not None: ffmpeg_input_args['ss'] = str(sample_interval[0]) ffmpeg_output_args = dict() if sample_interval is not None: ffmpeg_output_args['t'] = str(sample_interval[1] - sample_interval[0]) # HACK: On Windows it's impossible to use absolute subtitle file path with ffmpeg, so we use temp copy instead # see: with MyTempFile(srt_path) as srt_temp: video = ffmpeg.input(path, **ffmpeg_input_args) audio = ffmpeg.concat( video.filter('subtitles', srt_temp.tmp_file_path, force_style="OutlineColour=&H40000000,BorderStyle=3"), audio, v=1, a=1 ).output(out_path, **ffmpeg_output_args).run(quiet=True, overwrite_output=True) print(f"Saved subtitled video to {os.path.abspath(out_path)}.")