const chalk = require('chalk'); const common = require('../lib/common'); const inquirer = require('../lib/inquirer'); const shellExec = require('shell-exec') const files = require('../lib/files') const fs = require('fs') const { DownloaderHelper } = require('node-downloader-helper'); const getFilesIn = require('get-files-in') const http = require('http') var shell = require('shelljs'); module.exports = { compatibleApps: async () => { common.header('Install Compatible Apps') let compatibleApps let url = ""; http.get(url, (res) => { let body = ""; res.on("data", (chunk) => { body += chunk; }); res.on("end", () => { try { compatibleApps = JSON.parse(body); // do something with JSON } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); }; }); }).on("error", (error) => { console.error(error.message); }); const value = await inquirer.compatibleApps(); await shell.rm('-rf', './data/apps/*.apk'); for (let element of value.removeAppsList) { for (let element2 of compatibleApps) { if (element === { const options = { override: true, } const dl = new DownloaderHelper(element2.url, './data/apps/', options); dl.on('end', () => console.log('Downloading Latest ' + + ' Complete')) await dl.start(); } } } const apkList = await getFilesIn('./data/apps', matchFiletypes = ['apk'], checkSubDirectories = false) for (let element of apkList) { console.log('Installing ' + element) await shellExec('adb install -r ' + element).then(function (result) { console.log(element + ' - ' + result.stdout); }); } console.log('Compatible Apps Installed')) await common.pause(2000) module.exports.mainMenu() }, removeApps: async () => { common.header('Remove Apps') const value = await inquirer.removeAppsList(); for (let element of value.removeAppsList) { await shellExec('adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 ' + element).then(function (result) { console.log('Removing ' + element + ' - ' + result.stdout); }); } console.log('Removal Complete')) await common.pause(2000) module.exports.mainMenu() }, restoreApps: async () => { common.header('Restore Apps') const value = await inquirer.removeAppsList(); for (let element of value.removeAppsList) { await shellExec('adb shell cmd package install-existing ' + element).then(function (result) { console.log('Restoring ' + element + ' - ' + result.stdout); }); } console.log('Restore Complete')) await common.pause(2000) module.exports.mainMenu() }, connectWifi: async () => { const miwatchData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./data/MiWatch.json', 'utf8')); common.header('Connect Wifi') if (miwatchData.ipAddress !== "") { console.log('Trying to connect with stored ipAddress') shellExec('adb connect ' + miwatchData.ipAddress).then(async function (result) { if (result.stdout.includes('unable to connect')) { console.log('MiWatch not found')) await common.pause(2000) console.log(chalk.white('Try Again')) files.writeIpAddress('') await common.pause(1000) module.exports.connectWifi() } else if (result.stdout.includes('cannot connect')) { console.log('MiWatch not found')) await common.pause(2000) console.log(chalk.white('Try Again')) files.writeIpAddress('') await common.pause(1000) module.exports.connectWifi() } else if (result.stdout.includes('cannot resolve host')) { console.log('MiWatch not found')) await common.pause(2000) console.log(chalk.white('Try Again')) files.writeIpAddress('') await common.pause(1000) module.exports.connectWifi() } else { console.log('MiWatch Connected')) await common.pause(3000) module.exports.mainMenu() } }).catch() } else { const value = await inquirer.connectWifi(); const miWatchIpaddress = value.connectWifi shellExec('adb connect ' + miWatchIpaddress).then(async function (result) { if (result.stdout.includes('unable to connect')) { console.log('MiWatch not found')) await common.pause(2000) console.log(chalk.white('Try Again')) await common.pause(1000) module.exports.connectWifi() } else if (result.stdout.includes('cannot connect')) { console.log('MiWatch not found')) await common.pause(2000) console.log(chalk.white('Try Again')) await common.pause(1000) module.exports.connectWifi() } else if (result.stdout.includes('cannot resolve host')) { console.log('MiWatch not found')) await common.pause(2000) console.log(chalk.white('Try Again')) await common.pause(1000) module.exports.connectWifi() } else { console.log('MiWatch Connected')) files.writeIpAddress(miWatchIpaddress) await common.pause(3000) module.exports.mainMenu() } }).catch() } }, mainMenu: async () => { common.header('Main Menu') const mainMenuSelection = await inquirer.mainMenu(); switch (mainMenuSelection.mainMenu) { case 'connect to miwatch via wifi': module.exports.connectWifi() break; case 'remove xiaomi apps': module.exports.removeApps() break; case 'restore xiaomi apps': module.exports.restoreApps() break; case 'install compatible apps': module.exports.compatibleApps() break; case 'quit': break; default: // code block } } };