@@ -18,25 +18,37 @@ module.exports = {
let installedAppList
common.header('Remove Installed Apps')
await shellExec(adbRun + ' shell pm list packages -3').then(async function (result) {
- if (process.platform === 'win32' || process.platform === 'win64') {
- installedAppList = result.stdout.split('\r\n'); // split string on comma space
+ if (result.stderr.includes('error')) {
+ console.log(chalk.red('Device not authorised'))
+ common.pause(3000)
+ await shellExec(adbRun + ' kill-server').then(async function (result) {
+ console.log('Please reconnect to watch')
+ common.pause(3000)
+ module.exports.mainMenu()
+ })
} else {
- installedAppList = result.stdout.split('\n'); // split string on comma space
- }
- installedAppList.splice(-1, 1)
- });
- const value = await inquirer.installedApps(installedAppList);
+ if (process.platform === 'win32' || process.platform === 'win64') {
+ installedAppList = result.stdout.split('\r\n'); // split string on comma space
+ installedAppList.splice(-1, 1)
+ } else {
+ installedAppList = result.stdout.split('\n'); // split string on comma space
+ installedAppList.splice(-1, 1)
+ }
+ const value = await inquirer.installedApps(installedAppList);
- for (let element of value.removeAppsList) {
- console.log('Removing ' + element)
- const package = element.substring(8)
- await shellExec(adbRun + ' uninstall ' + package).then(async function (result) {
- console.log(element + ' - ' + result.stdout);
- });
- }
+ for (let element of value.removeAppsList) {
+ console.log('Removing ' + element)
+ const package = element.substring(8)
+ await shellExec(adbRun + ' uninstall ' + package).then(async function (result) {
+ console.log(element + ' - ' + result.stdout);
+ });
+ }
+ // });
console.log(chalk.green('Removed Selected User Apps'))
await common.pause(2000)
+ }
+ })
compatibleApps: async () => {
common.header('Install Compatible Apps')
@@ -133,6 +145,7 @@ module.exports = {
} else {
console.log(chalk.red('MiWatch not found'))
await common.pause(2000)
+ files.writeIpAddress('')
console.log(chalk.white('Try Again'))
await common.pause(1000)