import os import time from pod2gen import Podcast, Episode, Media, Person from mutagen import mp4, mp3 from datetime import timedelta, datetime as dt from import UTC def get_mp3_metadata(file_path: str, filename: str) -> (timedelta, str): """Extract MP3 metadata from a file. Args: file_path (str): Path to the MP3 file. filename (str): Name of the MP3 file. Returns: tuple: Timedelta and description of the MP3 file. """ try: mp3_file = mp3.MP3(file_path) track_seconds = round( time_split = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(track_seconds)).split(":") duration = timedelta( hours=int(time_split[0]), minutes=int(time_split[1]), seconds=int(time_split[2]), ) description = mp3_file.tags.get("COMM::'eng'", [filename.replace("_", " ")])[0].text[0] except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing file {file_path}: {e}") duration = timedelta(0) description = filename.replace("_", " ") return duration, description def get_mp4_metadata(file_path: str, filename: str) -> (timedelta, str): """Extract MP4 metadata from a file. Args: file_path (_type_): File path to the MP4 file. str (_type_): Name of the MP4 file. Returns: _type_: Timedelta and description of the MP4 file. """ track_seconds = round(mp4.MP4(file_path).info.length) time_split = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(track_seconds)).split(":") try: description = mp4.MP4(file_path).tags["\xa9cmt"][0] except KeyError: description = filename.replace("_", " ") return ( timedelta( hours=int(time_split[0]), minutes=int(time_split[1]), seconds=int(time_split[2]), ), description, ) def add_episodes_from_folder(folder_path: str, season:int) -> None: """Loop over all files in a folder and add them to the Podcast. Args: folder_path (str): Folder to loop over. season (int): Season number for for the podcast """ file_list = os.listdir(folder_path) list_of_episodes = sorted([x for x in file_list if "mp3" in x], key=lambda x: int(x.split()[1].split('.')[0])) # file_list.pop(0) for file in list_of_episodes: filename = file[:-4] ep_details = filename.split(" ") file_size = os.stat(f"./{folder_path}/{file}").st_size file_length, description = get_mp3_metadata(f"./{folder_path}/{file}", filename) p.add_episode( Episode( title=f"{folder_path} - {filename}", media=Media( f"{folder_path}/{file}", size=file_size, type="mp3", ), summary=description, season=season, episode_number=int(ep_details[1][-0]), image=f'{folder_path}/{folder_path}_wide.png', publication_date=dt.fromtimestamp( os.stat(f"./{folder_path}/{file}").st_ctime, tz=UTC ), ) ) owner = Person("Example", "") # Create the Podcast p = Podcast( name="GPT Stories", description="GPT Stories in audio form", website="", explicit=True, ) p.image = "" p.owner = owner p.locked = True p.withhold_from_itunes = True add_episodes_from_folder("Reboot", 1) add_episodes_from_folder("Pathfinders", 2) add_episodes_from_folder("The Three Lions Quest", 3) # Generate the RSS feed p.rss_file("feed.xml", minimize=True)